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W.M. Keck Center for Cellular Imaging
W.M. Keck Center for Cellular Imaging
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Characterization of mitochondrial dysfunction due to laser damage by 2-photon FLIM microscopy
Shagufta Rehman Alam, et al.
Sci Rep. 2022 Jul 13;12(1):1. (2022)
Characterization of phototoxic effects in multiphoton FLIM
Shagufta Rehman Alam, Horst Wallrabe, Kathryn Christopher, Karsten Siller, Ammasi Periasamy
Proc. SPIE 11965, 119650B (3 March 2022) (2022)
Investigation of metabolism in cancer specimens using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
Shagufta Rehman Alam, Horst Wallrabe, Ammasi Periasamy
Asian Journal of Physics, March 2021 (2021)
Machine learning architecture to predict drug response based on cancer cell FLIM images
Jiaxin Zhang, Horst Wallrabe, Karsten Siller, Shagufta Rehman Alam, Daniel Weller, and Ammasi Periasamy
Proc. SPIE 11648,16481G (March 2021) (2021)
Cyclic compression increases F508 Del CFTR expression in ciliated human airway epithelium
Nadzeya Marozkina, et al.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2019 Aug 1; 317(2): L247–L258 (2019)
Single‐cell redox states analyzed by fluorescence lifetime metrics and tryptophan FRET interaction with NAD(P)H
Ruofan Cao, et al.
Cytometry Part A. 2019, 95: 110-121. (2019)
Intraneuronal Tau Misfolding Induced by Extracellular Amyloid-β Oligomers
Lauren K. Rudenko, et al.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-14 (2019)
Segmented cell analyses to measure redox states of autofluorescent NAD(P)H, FAD & Trp in cancer cells by FLIM
Horst Wallrabe, et al.
Sci. Rep. 8: 79 (2018)
A novel lysosome-to-mitochondria signaling pathway disrupted by amyloid-ß oligomers
Andrés Norambuena, et al.
The EMBO Journal 37: e100241 (2018)
Investigation of Mitochondrial Metabolic Response to Doxorubicin in Prostate Cancer Cells: An NADH, FAD and Tryptophan FLIM Assay
Shagufta Rehman Alam, et al.
Sci. Rep. 7: 10451 (2017)
Mechanical and signaling roles for keratin intermediate filaments in the assembly and morphogenesis of Xenopus mesendoderm tissue at gastrulation
Pooja R. Sonovane, Chong Wang, Bette Dzamba, Gregory F. Weber, Ammasi Periasamy, Douglas W. DeSimone
The Company of Biologists Ltd (2017)
O-Aminobenzoyl-S-Nitrosoglutathione: a Fluorogenic, Cell Permeable, Pseudo-Substrate for S-Nitrosoglutathione Reductase
Bei Lei Sun, et al.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 108: 445–451 (2017)
FLIM-FRET Image Analysis of Tryptophan in Prostate Cancer Cells
Ammasi Periasamy, Shagufta R. Alam, Zdenek Svindrych, and Horst Wallrabe
Proc SPIE (ECBO) 10414: 1041402-Pp1-5 (2017)
Effects of Anti-Cancer Drug Doxorubicin on Endogenous Biomarkers NAD(P)H, FAD & Trp in prostate cancer cells- a FLIM Study
Shagufta Rehman Alam, et al.
Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 10069: 100691L-Pp1-6 (2017)
Mechanical and signaling roles for keratin intermediate filaments in the assembly and morphogenesis of Xenopus mesendoderm tissue at gastrulation
Pooja R. Sonavane, et al.
Development. 144(23):4363-4376 (2017)
Augmentation of CFTR maturation by S-nitrosoglutathione reductase
Khalequz Zaman, et al.
AJP Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology (2016)
Investigation of prostate cancer cells using NADH and Tryptophan as biomarker: multiphoton FLIM-FRET microscopy
Shagufta Rehman Alam, et al.
Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng.7712: 97120Q. pp1-5. (2016)
FLIM data analysis of NADH and tryptophan autofluorescence in prostate cancer cells
Meghan J. O'Melia, et al.
Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng.9712: 97122E. pp 1-6. (2016)
Three‐color confocal Förster (or fluorescence) resonance energy transfer microscopy: Quantitative analysis of protein interactions in the nucleation of actin filaments in live cells
Horst Wallrabe, et al.
Cytometry A., PMID 25755111 (2015)
Confocal immunofluorescence FRET microscopy to investigate eNOS and GSNOR localization and interaction in pulmonary endothelial cells
Shagufta Rehman Alam, et al.
Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 9329: 93290G. (2015)
Localizing Protein–Protein Interactions in Living Cells Using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
Yuansheng Sun & Ammasi Periasamy
Methods in Mol. Biol., Vol. 1251: 83-108 (2015)
Microscopy Core Facilities: Results of an International Survey
Masilamani Elangovan, Ammasi Periasamy & Horst Wallrabe
Microscopy Today March: pp36-44 (2014)
Development of an AP-FRET Based Analysis for Characterizing RNA-Protein Interactions in Myotonic Dystrophy (DM1)
Shagufta Rehman, et al.
PLoS ONE 9(4):e95957 (2014)
Advanced Light Microscopy
Ammasi Periasamy
Methods 15: 66(2):121-123 (2014)
Investigation of tryptophan–NADH interactions in live human cells using three-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging and Förster resonance energy transfer microscopy
Vinod Jyothikumar, Yuansheng Sun & Ammasi Periasamy
J. Biomed. Opt. 18(6): 060501 (2013)
IQGAP1 interactome analysis by In Vitro reconstitution and live cell 3-color FRET microscopy
Horst Wallrabe, et al.
Cytoskeleton, 70: 819-836 (2013)
Non-invasive in vivo imaging of breast cancer cell internalization of transferrin by near infrared FRET
Ken Abe, et al.
PLoS ONE 8(11): e80269 (2013)
Förster resonance energy transfer microscopy and spectroscopy to localize protein-protein interactions in live cells
Yuansheng Sun, et al.
Cytometry A. 83A(9): 780-793 (2013)
Monitoring Protein Interactions in Living Cells with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
Yuansheng Sun, et al.
Meth. Enzymol., 504: 371-391 (2012)
Mouse primitive streak forms in situ by initiation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition without migration of a cell population
Majid Siadat-Pajouh, et al.
Wiley Online Library (2012)
Investigating protein-protein interactions in living cells using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
Yuansheng Sun, Richard N Day & Ammasi Periasamy
Nature Protocol Vol. 6 No. 9 (2011)
FRET Microscopy in 2010: The Legacy of Theodor Förster on the 100th Anniversary of his Birth
Yuansheng Sun, et al.
ChemPhysChem,12:462-474 (2011)
Three-Color Spectral FRET Microscopy Localizes Three Interacting Proteins in Living Cells
Yuansheng Sun, et al.
Biophysical J. Vol. 99, 1274-1283 (2010)
Additional correction for energy transfer efficiency calculation in filter-based Förster resonance energy transfer microscopy for more accurate results
Yuansheng Sun & Ammasi Periasamy
J Biomed. Opt. 15(2) (pp1-3) (2010)
FLIM Microscopy in Biology and Medicine
Ammasi Periasamy, Robert M. Clegg
CRC Press (2009)
Characterization of an orange acceptor fluorescent protein for sensitized spectral fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy using a white-light laser
Yuansheng Sun, et al.
J. Biomed. Opt. 14(5) (2009)
PTK7 is essential for polarized cell motility and convergent extension during mouse gastrulation
Wei Wei Yen, et al.
Development 136: 2039-2048 (2009)
Quantitation of Protein–Protein Interactions: Confocal FRET Microscopy
Ammasi Periasamy, et al.
Meth. Cell Biol. 89: 569-598 (2009)
Characterization of an improved donor fluorescent protein for Förster resonance energy transfer microscopy
Richard N. Day, Cynthia F. Booker & Ammasi Periasamy
J. Biomed. Opt. 13 (pp1-9) (2008)
Characterization of spectral FRET imaging microscopy for monitoring nuclear protein interactions
Ye Chen, et al.
J Microscopy, 228:139-152 (2007)
Receptor Complexes Cotransported via Polarized Endocytic Pathways Form Clusters with Distinct Organizations
Horst Wallrabe, et al.
Mol. Biol. Cell. 18:2226-2243 (2007)
Localization of protein-protein interactions in live cells using confocal and spectral imaging FRET microscopy
Ye Chen & Ammasi Periasamy
Indian J Exp. Biol., 45(01):48-57 (2007)
Monitoring dynamic protein interactions with photoquenching FRET
Ignacio A. Demarco, et al.
Nature Methods 3(7):519-524 (2006)
Intensity Range Based Quantitative FRET Data Analysis to Localize Protein Molecules in Live Cell Nuclei
Ye Chen & Ammasi Periasamy
J. Fluorescence. 16:95-104 (2006)
Issues in confocal microscopy for quantitative FRET analysis
Horst Wallrabe, et al.
Microscopy research and Techniques. 69:196-206 (2006)
Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor–Bradykinin B2 Receptor Functional Heterodimerization
Peter M. Abadir, et al.
Hypertension (JAHA, Journal of the American Heart Association) 48:1-7 (2006)
Imaging protein molecules using FRET and FLIM microscopy
Horst Wallrabe & Ammasi Periasamy
Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 16:19-27 (2005)
Molecular Imaging: FRET Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Ammasi Periasamy, Richard N. Day
Academic Press (2005)
Characterization of two‐photon excitation fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy for protein localization
Ye Chen & Ammasi Periasamy
Microscopy Research and Techniques. 63:72-80 (2004)
Confocal FRET Microscopy To Measure Clustering Of Ligand-Receptor Complexes In Endocytic Membranes
Horst Wallrabe, et al.
Biophysical Journal 85: 559-571 (2003)
Illuminating protein interactions in tissue using confocal and two-photon excitation fluorescent resonance energy transfer microscopy
James D. Mills, et al.
J. Biomed. Opt. 8: 347-356 (2003)
One- and two-photon fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy to establish a clustered distribution of receptor-ligand complexes in endocytic membranes
Horst Wallrabe, et al.
J Biomed. Opt. 8(3), 339-346 (2003)
Protein localization in cells and tissues using FLIM and FRET
Ye Chen, James D. Mills & Ammasi Periasamy
Differentiation. 71:528-541 (2003)
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy imaging of live cell protein localizations
Rajesh Babu Sekar & Ammasi Periasamy
The Journal Of Cell Biology, Volume 160, Number 5, March 3, 2003 629-633 (2003)
Imaging The Localized Protein Interactions Between Pit-1 And The CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Alpha (C/EBP?) In The Living Pituitary Cell Nucleus
Richard N. Day, et al.
Day Et Al. Revised ME 02-0136 (2003)
Imaging the localized protein interactions between Pit-1 and the CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBPα) in the living pituitary cell nucleus
Richard N. Day, et al.
Mol. Endo. 17(3) (2003)
Dynamic Imaging Using Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
Masilamani Elangovan, Richard N. Day & Ammasi Periasamy
Biotechniques Vol. 32 No. 6 (2002)
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) Of Green Fluorescent Fusion Proteins In Living Cells
Ammasi Periasamy, et al.
Methods In Molecular Biology, Vol. 183: Green Fluorescent Protein: Applications And Protocals (2002)
Nanosecond fluorescence resonance energy transfer‐fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy to localize the protein interactions in a single living cell
Masilamani Elangovan, Richard N. Day & Ammasi Periasamy
J Microscopy. 205:3-14 (2002)
Characterization Of One- And Two-Photon Excitation Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Microscopy
Masilamant Elangovan, et al.
Methods In Press (December, 2002) (2002)
Survival of bundleless hair cells and subsequent bundle replacement in the bullfrog's saccule
Jonathan E. Gale, et al.
J. Neurobiol.50, 81-92 (2002)
Truncated Estrogen Receptor Product-1 Suppresses Estrogen Receptor Transactivation by Dimerization with Estrogen Receptors α and β
Eileen M. Resnick, et al.
J. Biol. Chem., 275: 7158-7166 (2002)
Methods in Cellular Imaging
Ammasi Periasamy
Oxford University Press (2001)
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Microscopy Of Localized Protein Interactions In The Living Cell Nucleus
Richard N. Day, Ammasi Periasamy, and Fred Schaufele
Methods 25, 4-18 (2001)
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Microscopy: A Mini Review
Ammasi Periasamy
Journal Of Biomedical Optics 6(3) 28-291 (July 2001) (2001)
Fluorescence Microscopy Study of Heterogeneity in Polymer-supported Luminescence-based Oxygen Sensors
Kristi A. Kneas, et al.
Microscopy and Microanalysis. 6: 551-556 (2000)
An Evaluation of Two-Photon Excitation Versus Confocal and Digital Deconvolution Fluoescence Microscopy Imaging in Xenopus Morphogenesis
Ammasi Periasamy, et al.
Microscopy Research and Technique 47:172-181 (1999)
Error Analysis Of The Rapid Lifetime Determination Method For Double-Exponential Decays And New Windowing Schemes
Kristin K. Sharman, et al.
Anal. Chem.1999, 71,947-952 (1999)
Fret Imaging Of Pit-1 Protein Interactions In Living Cells
Ammasi Periasamy & Richard N. Day
Journal Of Biomedical Optics 3(2), 154-160 (April 1998) (1998)
Visualizing Protein Interactions In Living Cells Using Digitized GFP Imaging And FRET Microscopy
Ammasi Periasamy & Richard N. Day
Methods In Cell Biology, Vol. 58 (1998)
Time-Resolved Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Using A Picosecond Pulsed Tunable Dye Laser System
Ammasi Periasamy, et al.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67 (10), October 1996 (1996)
High-Speed Fluorescence Microscopy: Lifetime Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences
Ammasi Periasamy, et al.
J. Micros. Soc. Am., 1: 13-23 (1995)
Time-Gated Fluorescence Microscopy For Clinical Imaging
Ammasi Periasamy, Majid Siadat-Pajouh & Pawel Wodnicki
USA Microscopy And Analyses, March 1995 19 (1995)
Computerized fluorescence microscopic vision in the biomedical sciences
Ammasi Periasamy & Brian Herman
J. Comp. Assist. Micros., 6: 1-26 (1994)
Detection Of Human Papillomavirus Type 16/18 DNA In Cervicovaginal Cells By Fluorescence Based In Situ Hybridization And Automated Image Cytometry
Majid Siadat-Pajouh, et al.
Cytometry 15:245-257 (1994)
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM): Instrumentation and Applications
Xue Feng Wang, et al.
Critical Rev. Analyt. Chem., 23(5): 369-395 (1992)
Verapamil and cyclosporin A modulate doxorubicin toxicity by distinct mechanisms
Yoko Shoji, et al.
Cancer Letters. 57: 209-218 (1991)