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Workshop 2023

Workshop 2023 Photos / Brochure

Group Picture

Peri with Volunteers

Brochure Link

Registration closed

Contact Us

Workshop Director

Ammasi Periasamy, Ph.D. 
Center Director, Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (KCCI) 
Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering 
University of Virginia 
B005 Physical Life Sciences Building (PLSB) 
90 Geldard Drive 
Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA. 
Office: (434) 243-7602; Lab: (434) 982-4869; Fax: (434) 982-5210 

Admissions Coordinator

Mr. Horst Wallrabe
Phone: (434) 982-5809

COVID Precautions

COVID Precautions (as of November 2022)

In General, we will follow the university rules related to COVID-19 during the workshop.

While the workshop is still many months away, the conditions for participation are currently the following:

  • All participants must be fully vaccinated, including booster vaccination if appropriate
  • Masks are not required
  • Disinfection protocols of the University of Virginia are followed (instruments, furniture)
Payment & Tuition

Payment is due by February 10, 2023

Tuition Fees

$2400 for non-profit organizations, such as universities and colleges.
$2800 for for-profit organizations.
The tuition fee covers lodging (March 6-11, 6 nights only), breakfast, lunch, dinner, lecture notes, book, and supplies.

Payment Options

Online tuition fee payment for the upcoming FLIM, FRET, and Metabolic Imaging
Link for the E-pay website:

Please include your name when prompted for customer number/name and reference the workshop when prompted for the transaction number. 

HCS Fellowship
A Hubble Space Telescope image of the compact green pea galaxy J0925+1403. The diameter of the galaxy is approximately 6,000 light years, and it is about twenty times smaller than the Milky Way.

The Histochemical society is supporting TWO fellowships (each $1000) to attend the workshop which you can use towards the workshop tuition fees. You have to pay the full amount $2,400 to claim the $1000 award. This Fellowship is for the academic only.

To apply for the fellowship please visit the URL:

Refund Policy

Contact information:  If you have any questions, please email to or call +1-434-243-7602 for more information.

Refund Policy

(1)    Once payment of the workshop fee is completed, there is No Refund. Applicants may however attend the workshop in following year with no extra charges, provided the workshop takes place.

(2)   We reserve the right to cancel the program, mainly for reasons out of our control such as the COVID pandemic.  In this case a refund is issued, payment by credit card will be refunded to the credit card account. Email or call +1 434-243-7602 to discuss.

Commitment to Privacy: Individuals' privacy is important to the University of Virginia.  To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information policy and practices,  a link can be found on our UVa home page.  Our privacy and public records obligations are governed solely by applicable Virginia statutes, including, but not limited to, the Virginia Privacy Protection Act of 1976, the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and by any applicable US federal laws.  The entire policy is at